XVI Meeting of the Italian Users of GTSTRUDL
Date: June 26, 2014
IBIS Hotel Milano Centro
Principal Entrance: Via Finocchiaro Aprile, 2, 20124 Milano
Entrance for Conference Room: Via Zarotto 8
Registration: Get a registration form by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Preliminary Program
0900 Hrs. Registration
0930 Hrs. Introduction, by Dr. Aristidis Papachristidis, Managing Director, STRUDL Europe
0940 Hrs. Intergraph and GTSTRUDL, by Rick Allen, Executive Vice President, Intergraph Corporation , Process, Power & Marine
1020 Hrs. New Features in GTSTRUDL 33, and Future Features planned for GTSTRUDL 34 and beyond, GTSTRUDL 33 Release Guide, Volume 1, Dr. Leroy Z. Emkin, Executive Technical Director GTSTRUDL, Intergraph Corporation, Process, Power & Marine
1130 Hrs. Interval
1145 Hrs. New Features in GTSTRUDL 33, and Future Features planned for GTSTRUDL 34 and beyond, GTSTRUDL 33 Release Guide, Volume 1, Dr. Leroy Z. Emkin (continued)
1245 Hrs. Interval for Lunch
1345 Hrs. Demonstration of a Few New Features in GTSTRUDL 33, by Dr. Leroy Z. Emkin including:
- Additional computational performance improvements
- In addition to the Response Spectrum Analysis Mode Superposition Gupta Methodology, the new Lindley-Yow Methodology has been added
- The new Broadening & Smoothing feature has been added to create design spectrums from calculated response spectrums
- Creation of the new GTSresults folder to store external files created from the external file solvers GTSES, GT64M, GTSELANCZOS, and GT64MLANCZOS
- The new SUMMARY ONLY option of the CALCULATE AVERAGE command
- AREA LOAD EXVCEPT option enhancement and the new IGNORE MEMBERS option
- The data base RESTORE and the LARGE PROBLEMS SIZE n option
- The new ERROR and WARNING icons, dialogs, and printing
- Statics check failures will produce a WARNING message in addition to the statics check failed messages
- Base Plate modeling option to remove the interior of tubes and pipes from the created FE mesh
- Examples of a few new GTMenu features including:
- The fencing option
- Global reference axes displayed at origin of the Global Reference System
- ANNOTATE MODEL Locate name option
1430 Hrs. Training Session by Dr. Leroy Z. Emkin and Dr. A. G. Papachristidis
Proposed topic: “Steel Frame Design Based on Nonlinear Analysis Results, Procedure and Issues”
(Topic may change depending on User’s requests during registration period)
1545 Hrs. Interval
1600 Hrs. “GTSTRUDL with ATLAS Modeling”, Dr. A. G. Papachristidis, STRUDL Europe
Presentation of new ATLAS features.
1630 Hrs. GTSTRUDL Applications by Users (in English or Italian)
1730 Hrs. GTSTRUDL Debate and Technical Questions, Dr. A. G. Papachristidis, STRUDL Europe. Users will discuss current GTSTRUDL Features, stating their priorities for future development and ask questions regarding the use of GTSTRUDL
1800 Hrs. Closure